Today we picked the first carrots of the season. These miraculous survivers are Early Nantes planted on the 13th March. I say miraculous as this row had been hoed and these re-rooted themselves! These have been growing in a raised bed infront of the sweet pea trellis on the patio. When planting the sweetpeas the row was disturbed so I took the decision to hoe the lot and replant. Before I got around to replanting I noticed some of the seedlings had started to grow again! Probably less than 10% had managed to do this, but I decided to leave them as an experiment. The advice is never to transplant carrots so I am astounded that we actually got a crop. Some of the carrots have forked, but not all. They are finger size and we shall be having them for tea tonight! No carrot fly either, so in all an impressive result.
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