A 3'x3' bed in a central location was choosen.

Ant dug a hole to fit our 'pond-liner'. We have choosen to use 2 plastic gardening trugs. This is an experiment and probably not a permanent solution. If we are successful this temporary pond will be replaced with something a bit nicer!

The trugs were added. There are quite strict restrictions on the size and depth of ponds on our site for safety reasons.

We used broken paving slabs to create an edge to the pond with plenty of platforms at different levels to allow any frogs easy access.

The only dissappointing thing is that it was very difficult to cover up the edges of the trugs. One idea is to add a couple of plants around the edge of the pond, which would improve the appearance.
Hopefully the pond will be functional - only time will tell!
The second project for today was to build a herb bed. We are pleased with the design and, once it fills out, it should add a bit of colour and help attract beneficial insects and pollinators.

Spring is definately here. The plot is beginning to show the first signs of growth.
We have expanded our strawberry crops with a new strawberry bed. These plants came from runners from our existing stock.

The rhubarb bed seems to be enjoying it's mulch of half-rotted leaves and within the space of 1 week has gone from not showing to this.

The other fruit bushes are starting to form leave buds. Here is a redcurrant.

The overwintering onions and garlic are growing well.

1 comment:
It's all looking really good, I'm fortunate not having a real slug problem, nextdoor have 4 ponds in their garden, frogs are the best for slug control!
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