I am feeling rather chuffed with this purchase of a basket for my bike. The basket is removable and reasonably large. Plenty of room for collecting crops for tea! I can now cycle to the plot and collect a reasonable quantity of crops. Cycling with a plastic bag hung over your arm is not good for your circulation!

Tonight I brought back new potatoes, baby carrots and swede, herbs, the last of the strawberries and some wind-fallen apples. Our lottie neighbour also gave us 2 cucumbers.
Looks like a great haul! What delights did you make from it all? Very jealous of the amounts of produce you're allowed to grow. I'm doing my best with my three sunny windowsills but there's only so much I can fit on them...!
Hi Amy. We had the veg steamed for tea! The allotment is great it does allow us to try alot of our veg ourselves and it is great fun.
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