Well, I now have a few grey hairs (well hidden mind) and Ant has a few more (not well hidden!). The weather has been so terrible over winter that we barely went to the plot at all.
The last week I have spent a few afternoons preparing the plot. Whilst enjoying the winter sun, it did get me thinking! In two afternoons, I managed to clear the majority of the plot. Back in winter 2007/spring 2008 we were spending all of nearly every weekend digging out bindweed or hacking away at bramble roots with pick axe. I still remember Ant's response when I came home to tell him I had secured a full plot for us. It went something like "It better not be that s*** plot four" Would this have been able to happen if we had taken on a similar plot this year? Possibly not without further challenges; the weekends have been a wash out!
Taking on a plot that looked like this was a mere 'small challenge'.

Washing baskets of bindweed did not deter us

The addition of path was a momentous occassion.

I guess the weather was on our side, but that is gardening! If there is a will there is a way. If you have taken on a plot and struggled with the wet weather then start getting down as soon as you can. There is some good advice on our allotment ground website about 'getting started'
Would I take on a plot that was so bad now? Not sure - I am more aware of the amount of work required! However, it really is worth the effort. The slogging away soon becomes a distant memory when you are sitting on your plot in the summer sun surrounded by all your home grown produce.
How can you beat the fact that, in January, you can still eat your own veg?
Today we picked a few veggies for Sunday dinner. The remaining potatoes are now cleared and will be made into mash to be frozen.
These Oca were something new to try last year and are totally delicious.
A fellow allotmenteer gave me some parsnips - "The sweetest he has ever grown".
What is planned for this year?
A little extension to the pergola with a corregated plastic roof for shelter - a 6x4 foot shed full of stuff is quite a squeeze for 2 adults when it is chucking it down with rain! Lots of successful crops (hopefully). We have also taken on Plot 1b (gluttons for punishment!) - watch this space!
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